Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back in the game

Sometimes miracles do happen.  Not often, but they can. Small events are often attributed to miracles. Missing the bus that crashed later that day, stepping out into the street just a moment after someone came screaming by not paying attention, being late only to find out you were there just in time. All of these things at the time seem like great happenstance.

Then there is being offered a second chance for your dream. Free of charge.

Amber and I have counted ourselves so lucky over the last few years. Being together has been a blessing and our friends and family have been so supportive. Meeting our doctor and his entire office was a huge part of our journey. And now this.
There are no words for people like that in the world. Every day common people doing their job and yet so much more. These women (and our Dr.) have gone so far beyond care they have become a part of our family. Between figuring out ways to help us with the medicine we need, and negotiating with other offices now they have taken it one step farther. He is actually performing a frozen embryo transfer for free.

And were back in the game.

If there was ever a way to thank every one who has helped us along the way- I think not giving up is a good place to start. So in September Amber will once again be my hero and do just that. Try again. After our best friends wedding we will have the transfer (after yet another long bout of injections and meds).

Though there will still be obstacles (one we just cleared by finding out there was no scar tissue from the last round and getting the green light) and taking a little bit of time to save up for the necessary meds, we are more than hopeful that the world wants us to try again. So for the thousandth time- from the bottom of our two hearts. Thank you.

Here's to more updates and more good news.
Wishing all of you and yours well.

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