Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This whole journey has taken my breath away. Many times. From meeting the Dr who has held our hand the entire way, to the support of our friends and family that continuously humbles me. I received an e-mail last night from Amber's best friend that brought me to tears, and lifted me up all at the same time.

She had taken time from her very busy schedule and created a web site for Amber and and (and now to be called Baby-to-be-McGuire), to help us raise the necessary funds to make our dreams come true. The amazing ability for the people around us to continually surprise Amber and I, and help us through this has been overwhelming. Knowing times are tough for every one, but people are still willing to help us have a shot at bringing this little person who we have been waiting to meet for the last 4 years, who we have had names picked out for since before we had colors for the wedding... To help us meet our baby. I am speechless.

So once again, as I have said so many times, and will continue to do for the rest of our lives. To every one out there reading, or listening... Thank you. Thank you from my family. Heaven forbid, but I hope you all know that if the time ever comes where you might need help know Amber and I will be there.

Here is the site, if any one is curious...

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