Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beating the Trade Deadline

 So I didn't imagine posting again this quickly but things happen and need to be shared....

In the process of planning this whole fiasco, we obviously had to decide on a donor.  Try as she might, K's not coming up with the goods necessary to make it happen.  We have always known that we were not interested in it being someone we know.  This kid has enough going on, we don't need a Grey's Anatomy Callie, Arizona, McSteamy situation.  So we did our homework and used the search feature on our Lesbian-Owned high-end Pasadena sperm bank, road tripped up there for our overwhelming consultation and went over the previously selected contenders long profiles with a fine toothed comb.  Result... Big winner number 403.

Funny how things happen.  It was 403, 403, 403 but then, as the final pieces began to fall into place, issues popped up with our Number 1.  Without getting into too much medical/things you never learned in health class jargon, the type of specimen we wanted wasn't available.  K and I decided that maybe it was a sign and we should take a second look.  See if anyone else had thrown their hat in the ring.  So tonight, after opening some celebration wine in honor of missed loved one and with the sounds of American Ninja Warrior on the TV, we went back to check the search.

Being people of some intelligence, after inputting the search criteria, we started with the last page and number 6999 stood out from the rest.  So much so that we busted out the ol' credit card to get the long profile without trekking to Pasadena.  Perfection... a small little donor with a small healthy little family along with many other McGuire like qualities. Plus additional non-genetic highlights like the sister being a former gymnast and pole vaulter.

So now, after months of being team 403, we have jumped ship.  At the final hour, we made a last minute trade and what we believe is an upgraded to . . . 6999.

And the adventure continues...



  1. Excited for you both! Great story, look forward to more!

  2. But "403" had a much better ring to it than "6999"...although Ryan will like that it has 69 in it, just like all his passwords since high school :P haha...I need a McGuire-esk nickname, though, for Mr. 6999.........
